To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. - Buddha
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Roundup {Happiness}
Happiness Pinterest roundup . . . ready . . . go!

To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. - Buddha
To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him. - Buddha
alice walker,
anne frank,
charlie chaplin,
don't give up,
johnny depp,
margaret drabble,
michael jordan,
no regrets,
take chances
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Compared to {Happiness}
One of the fastest ways to feel unhappy
about your life, your body, and your accomplishments is through
comparison. Dissatisfaction has become synonymous with striving to be
better, and we compare ourselves to others to figure out whether we
are better than them, but all we get instead is the feeling of
dissatisfaction in ourselves.
When I look at another woman I usually
size her up. I think it's a natural thing, or at least I can't
remember being any other way. I naturally want to be a better mate
than her, putting it scientifically. However, there are two ways to
take this mental game from here: either you feel competitive and
driven to look better, sound smarter and work harder (using said
other person as inspiration), or you turn inwards and get upset that
you aren't already that pretty, that smart or that successful.
The first road will take you to greater
heights, but most of us take the second. Once again I am going to ask
this question like I did in my post Be {Happy}, Be Healthy: Why do we
do this to ourselves? You have to unprogram your mind for hating on
yourself. It is not modesty. It is destructive to your well-being.
You ARE a great person, you WILL do
great things. The only way to leave your mark on the world is to make
it your own mark, and comparing yourself to others will not allow you
to develop individuality. You should actually be happy you aren't
like someone else. Be you instead.
traps you within the limitations of your comparisons. It inhibits
- Willie
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
{Happy} Peptides
This post really goes along with
yesterday's: Let Your {Happy} Loose.
Specifically thought today I want you
to laugh more. Not at anything in particular, but recognize
that your laughter will unlock not only happiness in you, but in
those around you also.
Laughing also is thought to release
endorphins, which are the happy peptides that are associated
with a feeling of well-being, pain relief, getting a high, and
orgasm. 'On
average, watching about 15 minutes of comedy in a group increased
pain threshold by 10 percent,' says the article Why Laughter May Bethe Best Pain Medicine on Scientific American.
check out this humorous round-up I put together below and check out a
few of these websites as well:
humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And
once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might
be, you can survive it.
- Bill
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Let Your {Happy} Loose
Today is a more simple and obvious step
toward happiness, or it at least seems straight forward enough to me:
let loose! Too many people go through every single day being so
flipping serious. There are two great ways to let yourself loosen up:
1. Laugh at the things that make you
stressed or mad.
Examples: Think about something really
dumb you did that possibly even embarrassed you, now laugh about it.
Here's one of mine to help you out: I prize my cooking and baking
skills, yet at a friends house this past weekend a dish I made took
an extra hour because I couldn't figure out how to simply turn the
oven on.
Now think of something that is really
stressful for you, especially something you can't do anything about
currently. Laugh about it. For me right now it's my toilet. The
handle broke, and the first day this happened the water ran and ran
while I was trying to fill out a $10,000 loan application. As I was
getting more and more frustrated with the application, my eyes
started watering and I made myself breathe. Then I heard my toilet
running and laughed for the next 5min. It gave me the strength to
finish the application and even though I was denied the loan (which
is important for finishing my last year of school), I was able to
walk away from the situation knowing I would figure something out.
2. Dance.
If you're good at dancing, good for
you. If you're a ridiculous dancer, even better. Either turn on some
music in your bedroom and get your Shakira hips on, or go out to some
random bar with a couple friends you can dance with. Dancing will
help you be happier in so many ways, namely in getting your heart
rate going and in helping you take yourself a little less seriously.
I'll even give you an inspirational
And dance like you mean it . . .
especially to the last one.
day brings a chance for you to draw in a breath, kick off your shoes,
and dance.
― Oprah
Monday, October 15, 2012
Get Your Mind On {Happiness}
I'm a bit behind, but like a classic
college student I have an excuse. Friday was supposed to be a guest
blog day, as in, I wrote a guest blog but it hasn't been published
yet. Sadness. So that just means that today and probably tomorrow you
will have the joy of reading two of my posts. Try to control the
Generally I like to take this
opportunity to do something that helps me feel good about myself,
like trying on new shoes (no matter how I feel about my body that
day, the shoes will fit the same). But the point is to take your mind
off of your problems. If you find yourself obsessing over an issue,
like perhaps an impending conversation with someone, a test, or maybe
your bank account, worrying over the issue will do you more harm.
Getting your mind off of an issue will
also help you figure out a better solution more quickly. How so? When
your mind is stressed it resorts to set thinking patterns and
squashes all ability to think abstractly. Abstract thought is
“thinking outside of the box” which if you are to the point of
frustration when problem solving, is probably what you need.
Take the time to get your mind off of
your problems. You will not only feel less stressed, but you'll see
an end in sight even faster! Take it from someone who knows:
when people are under stress, they hate to think, and it's the time
when they most need to think.
- William
J. Clinton
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Leafing Through {Happiness}
read to know that we are not alone. ― William
is what you read when you don't have to that determines what you will
be when you can't help it. ― Oscar
more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you
learn, the more places you'll go. ― Dr.
reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who
never reads lives only one. ― George
R.R. Martin
is it about reading a book that gets people so excited? Many recent
series seem to have reignited America's passion for reading. But to
many the joy of picking up a book for personal pleasure is still
lost. The most popular reasoning I have heard for not reading is that
the person gets the same fulfillment out of watching a television
series, or that they will wait for the movie to come out and then
they will be in the loop.
just like our discussion yesterday about why learning and new
experiences feel good to your brain, reading falls into the same
category. When watching television or a movie you are accepting the
images given to you and are not actively using cogitative skills to
decode, as you would while reading (as discussed
in ReadingVersus Television: Which Is Better?).
Reading is more engaging for your brain and therefore is more
pleasurable for you. I know you think being lazy feels good, but it
has zero benefits to your health and happiness.
these scientific reasonings don't even come close to eclipsing my
main reason for reading: it's the cheapest escape you can buy. Not
only can you experience countries, views, and information you have
never known, but you can see yourself through new eyes and reevaluate
your life direction stress-free. So, it's also the cheapest form of
therapy a person can buy.
up a book. Your brain will thank you.
is more important than knowledge.
- Albert
Looking for a good author? Check out this related post: Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Looking for a good author? Check out this related post: Favorite Author: Ayn Rand
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Experience {Happiness}
does it feel great to learn? Dopamine. Check out this article, Learn something new - your brain willthank you, where Dr Gary Marcus discusses why it feels good for your brain
to learn a new skill.
you don’t need to pick up a new musical instrument or learn any knew skill to
experience the dopamine rush that learning will give you. Get out and
experience the world! It has become quite apparent to you, I’m sure, through
reading my posts that I have a lot of interests: lots of DIY projects (haircoloring, making over my bedroom, earrings, and crafts), traveling, and I guess
it’s inherent that I love writing also (poetry included).
to make getting new experiences easier:
Make a List
know I harp on this idea a lot, but list-making . . . well, it makes life easier. Make a list of
places you would like to go and things you would like to see. For example, on
my list I would include bands I want to see, like Florence + the Machine, Punch
Brothers, Neko Case . . . , cities I have never visited, such as New York and
Chicago, as well as National Parks I want to see yet.
Set a Date
Decide exactly when you will do the things you want.
Get your planner out now, load a new tab and do a Google search, make the
necessary texts to invite friends. Go on. Do it.
Actually follow through with your plans. Your
friends dropped out on you? Go anyway, make new friends while you’re there. An
event got cancelled? Find a new one. Go through with your plan. Execution is
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed
by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the
bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover. - Mark Twain
gary marcus,
mark twain,
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Getting Shit Done {Happily}
Random Abe Knowledge |
My previous post was about taking a day
off of everything responsible in your life. This is its counterpart.
Every once in a while I love to
dedicate a day or two to really cracking down on my work that needs
done. These work days generally are directly after days off or are
immediately followed by days off.
Why have days of super high
productivity? The feeling of being ahead or even just being “all
caught up” is extremely uplifting. When you are able to take the
weight off your mind of the things that have added up on the To Do
list you will not only feel less stressed out, but you will feel
accomplished and will then be able to give your brain the break it
needs, as discussed in my last post.
The key to success on an
ultra-productive day is planning. Make a list in the morning, or the
night before if you're like me and go over everything you have to do
the next day while lying down, of everything you need to get done, of
every project you have going, of every appointment you have and need
to make, and put it all in chronological order.
Then do it.
Finish every task you possibly can in
that day. Don't stop for TV breaks, don't stop for naps . . . just
Do all of your driving errands in one
trip. This means make your shopping list before you go to the post
office and bank. Take the time to shop for the whole week too; plan
meals now so you don't have to later.
If you're in school get some friends
together to work on homework together. Make sure to include at least
one friend who's actually serious about their grades to keep you all
on track (or to keep you all respectful enough to not get too crazy).
crazy tomorrow and get everything that has been weighing on your mind
down on a piece of paper and done. See how great it will feel to have
it all off your chest!
Need help getting organized first? Check out my Home Organization board on Pinterest. It's packed with cleaning lists, packing lists, planner print outs, how-to's and just plain amazing instructionals and ideas.
best way out is always through. -
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Volunteering has has received a very
distinguishing, altruistic reputation for a very long time. But
telling people volunteering is good for them because it's the right
thing to do seems to have created a rift between those who do
volunteer their time, and those who think nothing of volunteering.
I am going to say the things you aren't
supposed to say about volunteer work. People who volunteer do it
because they enjoy it. It's as simple as that. So why will
volunteering make you a happier person? Once again it isn't because
you'll feel warm and fuzzy about “doing the right thing”.
Volunteer work will give you a connection to your community, which in
turn gives you a feeling of having the ability to make a difference.
If you don't think that's a big deal
then just think about the last time at work or school when you had an
amazing idea that you knew would never see the light of day. It is so
incredibly frustrating to feel as though you have no say and no
impact on your surroundings. Giving your time to helping your local
Salvation Army, helping your friend with their psychology homework,
or helping someone move their belongings to a new place can all
impact your feeling of having an impact on the lives around you.
make an impact on your neighbor's life and feel the benefits of
making a difference!
before has man had such a great capacity to control his own
environment, to end hunger, poverty and disease, to banish illiteracy
and human misery. We have the power to make the best generation of
mankind in the history of the world.
- President
John F. Kennedy
Friday, October 5, 2012
Take A Day of {Happy}
Day after day I tackle my school work
little bits at a time, I clean my apartment some, I do a reasonable
amount of exercising. Sometimes that built up weight of all my daily
responsibilities gets to me, not to mention the times when I have big
projects to worry about, or exam time is approaching, or I get sick,
or worse: get cramps. In the words of The Dixie Chicks, some days you
gotta dance.
An important part of productivity is taking time off. You wouldn't run 10miles a day for five months straight, would you? Often, we take our brain for granted and don't treat it with the respect of lovin' it needs. You're brain can become an overworked “muscle” very easily. This is why I am suggesting that when you're feeling fried don't push through it, take a day off!
Yes, a full day. Off of work, off of
cleaning, off of caring. Some people like to argue that they can't
really relax if they know they have all this stuff to come back to. I
say if that's the case, then you aren't doing your relaxing
correctly. You have to engage your mind in something completely
unrelated that has either 0 stress, or only eustress. What I am
literally saying is you have to consciously distract yourself. I
enjoy using my days off to catch up on watching movies or work on
crafting projects. It has to be something you like doing or something
you have wanted to try.
Breaks should be utilized both in the
short run and the long run. A great article by The New York Times, To Stay On Schedule, Take A Break, illustrates perfectly the advantages
of taking breaks during the work day. But as I said before, sometimes
it's the day to day activities that weight you down. It is just as
important to take a full day every once in a while.
Are you feeling worn down? Taking a break may be the most productive thing you day all week. Consider
taking tomorrow as a fun day, your brain and body need it!
- He enjoys true leisure who has time to improve his soul's estate. - Henry David Thoreau
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Be Healthy, Be {Happy}
A big struggle many Americans are faced
with today is body image. Often times this issue is reserved for
women, but most guys I know are majorly concerned about their body
and probably talk to me about it more than my girl friends do.
When you think of your body how would
you describe it? When you think of your personality how would you
describe it? I don't know how it is for you, but too many days of my
life I have been far harsher on my body than on my personality. Don't
get me wrong, I love my personality, but for some reason in our
country it's OK to talk up your sense of humor, your passion and
compassion . . . but it is a cardinal sin to talk up your body.
Too often people get caught up on the
5lbs they need to lose or gain to look sexy. Too often they focus in
on that one part of their face they absolutely hate. Why do we do
this to ourselves?
There are three big ways to start
feeling better about your body, and you hear them all of the time:
exercise, nutrition, and self-esteem. Your self-esteem is a big
factor, and plainly put, your self-esteem is how you value yourself,
and ultimately how valuable you see yourself to others. Nutrition is
such a key factor that is over-looked time and time again; people go
on these diets with rules or take these magic pills but those systems
set you up for failure. Exercise . . . what a topic! The benefits, my
goodness. But who wants to do that crap!?
Well guess what, everything you think
you know about losing those 5lbs is probably wrong. Taking a
happiness approach to body image may be the best thing you ever do
for yourself.
Here's the plan of attack:
– Proper nutrition is so vital. Think of it this way: everything
your body needs to function other than oxygen is consumed by your
mouth. So if you don't get iron, Omega-3s, fat, calories, sugar, etc
. . . your body can't function.
Take it from me: last semester I slept
14hrs a day, couldn't make it to classes, dropped off of the track
team and had multiple emotional break downs. When I stopped having
periods my doctor put me on prenatal vitamins because my blood tests
showed how extremely deficient I was in all of my vitamins.
Here is a great blog that is all about
having a healthy diet: Well Balanced Diet.
Don't get caught up on weight loss!
Don't do it!!! Eating better will make you feel better, feeling
better will take care of everything you think is wrong with your
The Picky Eater is a great blog for
recipes of healthy foods, as well as Kath Eats Real Foods, and
Healthy Dining Finder for when you're eating out.
– The concept of exercise has become so skewed in our
society. Jogging, lifting weights and doing crunches have become
must-do's in a daily routine of other things me must do. But why is
that how we chose to exercise? Those are probably the most boring
things you could chose!
Think of all the games people have
invented . . . you could play football, baseball, tennis, soccer,
rugby, cricket, raquet ball, lacrosse, hop-scotch, water polo,
duck-duck-goose, basketball . . . you could go biking, horseback
riding, swimming, hiking, rock wall climbing, skipping, dancing. The
list goes on and on.
Sure, a lot of those options might
require that you have a friend and maybe you really hate all of your
friends . . . but if you find yourself bored of running I really
can't blame you, and I even LIKE running!
Don't get caught up on weight loss!
Don't do it!!! Having fun while moving will make you feel better,
feeling better will take care of everything you think is wrong with
your body.
– This is the trickiest, and the most simple thing to change. It's
tricky because we're pretty stuck in our ways on how we think of
ourselves, and simple because you will notice immediately how
horrible you are to yourself.
When someone compliments your outfit,
your hair, your makeup, your legs, your arms, your stomach . . . say
thank you. Nope. Nothing else. Oh! And smile when you say it. Let it
sink in. Does it matter that anyone else thinks anything of you? No,
but it sure is nice to hear.
Think about someone you love and their
appearance. Easy example: when I think of my mom I think of how much
I love her smile, her bright blue eyes and the way she hugs me. Now
think of how someone who loves you sees you. Think of it every time
you look in a mirror.
Does my mother have flaws? Sure, she
wants to point them out to me all the time but I still see her smile
and eyes. Do I have flaws? Sure, but when the people I care about
look at me, they don't see them. So why should I? Look in the mirror
and don't worry about the pimples that pop up out of no where, the
hairs that are running wild, the weird things your nose does or how
your teeth could be whiter and straighter.
you look people in the eye, they won't notice what you're wearing.
- Nick, The Wedding Date
Self Esteem Blog has this great article on improving your self-esteem
and Savvy Self Esteem has great posts on dangerous and uplifting
healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from
others. Be a carrier.
- Tom
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Hobby {Happiness}
Idle hands are the devil's tool. Think
of it as if God's plan is for your happiness, then the devil's is for
your sorrow. Boredom is a disease, a sickness that affects the mind,
body and soul. Today I saw a sign that read You're not bored,
you're boring.
It is so incredibly true! If you are
one of those people who constantly needs to be entertained, or find
yourself always saying I'm bored, then I strongly suggest your find a
No, drinking is not a hobby. No, your
job is not a hobby. Sitting on the internet looking through random
crap isn't a hobby either. I'm talking about finding something to do
in your spare time (and don't act like you don't have any) which you
can see through from beginning to end that gives you some kind of
product or valuable asset.
Why should you have a hobby? TheImportance of Hobbies For Stress Relief states
are often thought of as activities for people who lead quiet, relaxed
lives. However, people with full, busy, even stressful lives may need
hobbies more than the average person, and
benefit greatly from having hobbies in their lives” (Elizabeth
Scott, M.S).
don't just chose something random that you don't give a hoot about.
Find a piece of furniture in your living space that needs updated, or
nurture a fruit-bearing plant of a fruit you love. Make an abstract
painting to hang on your wall, take bike trips, join a sport league.
In my opinion, the more options you give yourself, the less stressed
you will be; I personally enjoy five or six different hobbies.
think about things you love watching about on TV, or that empty space
on your wall and go fill your hands and your time!
again, I believe Pinterest is a wonderful place to start: check out
my Crafts board for some ideas of things you can make.
is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get
interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let
the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto.
- Dale
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Dressing Up for {Happiness}
In high school I conducted a little
experiment for a while to see whether the way I dressed affected the
way I was treated. You see, I had a real issue with people being
jerks to me. Sure, it's high school and everyone is a jerk, but I
realized even then that there is no point in [unprovoked] rudeness.
The experiment was to discover whether when I put on thought-out
clothing, an outfit I had to spend time on, my classmates would hold
their tongues.
Honestly, there was nothing scientific
about the variables or control factors . . . but I found that I had
much better days when I “dressed up”. Whether it was that others
shut up or I felt powerful enough to ignore their condescension,
we'll never know, but I did learn that I could make myself feel
better through the day with nicer clothes.
I'm not saying that you need to wear a
$200 outfit daily to feel great, I'm saying that some clothes that
match, maybe have a fashion-forward approach or a great piece worked
in are going to give you more of a spring to your step than that
second or third cup of coffee. (And just a side note: I do a lot of
thrifting to find great clothes)
How do you get in the habit of putting
on a presentable outfit in the morning? Well there are two great
motivators I use: showering in the morning and picking out my threads
the night before. The latter of the two might seem juvenile, but
think of how much more coherent you are at night and how finding
something great to wear will motivate you to get up and get ready to
wear it.
Also, I know many people have issues
with knowing how to put together clothes that match and/or are
fashion-forward. My solution: find pictures of outfits you love, and
try to copy them. I still even do this. It's no crime! I mostly use
my Pinterest account for this type of research; I will pin outfits,
hairstyles and make-up ideas to my Oh La La Fashion board and go back
through my pins when I'm about to go out, go to class, or just grab
lunch. Here are some outfits I really love and will probably copy
soon for the Fall season:
don't mind making jokes, but I don't want to look like one.
- Marilyn
Monday, October 1, 2012
Day 1 of {Happiness}
Today is the start of a new month, and
every day is the start to the rest of your life. For the month
of October I am writing 27 posts about how to be happier with life.
You may be asking 2 questions: What do
I know about being happier with life? What could I have possibly
experienced so far that really tested me?
My background is that of a highly
anxious, over-stressed girl. I have had my share of panic attacks;
not the kind where you lay awake thinking too much and lose a little
sleep, I'm talking about sobbing for hours about ridiculous things
that no regular human would waste a blink on. Taking showers just to
lay in the bathtub crying about nothing. My bestfriend has driven
over in the middle of the night to pick me up off the bathroom floor.
It was always hard for me to feel happy
around anyone other than my parents, because I always felt judged by
my peers. So when my parents separated 3 years ago this month I felt
like I didn't have a home or foundation any longer.
You know what is so great about all of
that though? I have learned not to rest my happiness on others. I
have learned how to be happy about myself, all by myself. And maybe
you have experienced something similar to what I described above or
are going through something traumatic . . . this month is for you.
Start today's month of being happier by
thinking about how you really want your life and the person you want
to be. Just take some time to decide not what you want to do,
but what kind of person you want
to be.
are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
― Mother Teresa
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
― Mother Teresa
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