A busy busy bee I have been of late. There are only two more weeks in the semester, so it's crack-down time. Then finals week. Moral of the story being: don't expect too much from me for a little while, but after the semester is over I have a few amazing things to share with y'all . . . when I have time to write them up.
However, I needed to make this post for two reasons:
1. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. All work and no play make . . . Whatever.
2. I am really super excited about this piece of art I am working on.
So, I wanted to give you a quick glance at the progress I made just yesterday. Then, hopefully, I can update you when it is finished in the next two weeks and you will know part of the process and have some insight!
This work is part of a series, the first of which I have already completed.
The first of the Pattern Girl Series |
There will be one more work after the current one, which I am hoping to complete before portfolios are due for graduate school.
Hand to the right |
I began with the above completion yesterday. I had blocked in the right hand but hadn't filled it in yet, though the fingers are finished.
Hand to the right. |
The right hand is now darkened to my liking, so it's time to start on the left arm.
Left arm. |
More blocking in. I find it really important to map out my values before I begin darkening up a section.
Left forearm. |
Now the upper and forearm are darkened to my liking. Notice that part of the forearm blends in with the upper arm. This may look strange, but it's really important to keep parts like these as you see them to allows the work to maintain believability.
Left rope and hand. |
The rope around the left hand is completed and the left hand is now blocked in. Home stretch!
Left hand. |
I did a little more after this point last night but this is a wonderful place to leave off. I hope you enjoyed this glimpse in to my work. Check out my newly updated portfolio, I would love your feedback on it:
Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad. - Salvador Dali
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